#54, Hradčany, Prague
Ampersand Seven documents an ongoing project that involves the hunting and gathering of numbers found in architecture and urban environments. It is the sometimes-accidental, sometimes-on-purpose record of cities I have explored and numbers I have noticed along the way. It is the product of one curious and obsessive brain; it is an homage to unexpected beauty; it is a place to revel in odd juxtapositions of text and image; it is a visual map of places I have been and a reason for having more places to go.
Starting in 2009, I will post one photograph a day for a calendar year, starting with one on January 1st and proceeding in sequential order up to 365. Cities that serve as a backdrop will include Brussels, Budapest, Chicago, Dublin, New York, Prague, Rome, Vienna and a few more places in between. The daily nature of the postings will allow me to create both an album and a travelogue, a place to share pictures along with occasional stories or associations that these numbers inspire. You can view it as a daily slide show, a number-a-day treat, or just drop by from time to time to see what's new.
Also, I invite your comments if an image or number evokes a particular memory, observation, or any musings you may have on travel, architecture, cities, or space. Walk around. Pay attention. See you in January.
PROJECT UPDATE: After a year of digressions and diversions, 365 numbers in 365 days will be back on track, beginning January 1, 2011. See you in the new year!