Thursday, January 13, 2011

#353: Poe-Faced

Edgar Allan Poe Street, NYC

Yes, there is an Edgar Allan Poe Street in New York City. The name was bestowed on the section of West 84th Street between Broadway and Riverside Drive, and while it took the city a couple tries to get the spelling right (they originally spelled it "Allen" instead of an "Allan" on one of the signs), it's now there for all to see. It commemorates the fact that old Poefellow penned his most well-known work, "The Raven" nearby, in what was then the Brennan farmhouse. The house was torn down in 1888, but 84th Street keeps its Poe street cred by not only having a cool name, but also having appropriately creepy numbers like this one to keep his spirit alive.


Julie said...

Umm ... are the shadows from lighting, or painted on?

Therese Cox said...

Definitely some sort of residue on the wall. I'll give it a closer look next time I'm up Poe Way.

Jackie said...

OMG. You told me about this, but I'd have remembered it nevermore if not for this post. Can we visit Poe Way together? We could be all giggly(HEH HEH HEH) and awestruck on some kind of Poe-tic scavenger hunt...