#56, Sorrento, Italy
It's Halloween, you're female, and you have nothing to wear to the costume party. The drugstore ran out of sexy pirate costumes, you don't want to wear a gross mask all night, and no one wants to hit on the Michelin Man. Why not squeeze into a black leotard and stilettos and slap on some kind of cat ear tiara? And a tail? Because it's just so original? I've been burnt out on the catwoman costume for so long that I was surprised to be taken in by this charming changeling outside a boutique in Sorrento. I found her lingering a little over eye level, leaning playfully on this bright green 56.
My friend Niesha makes some amazing wood burnings and paintings that take the metamorphosis one step further. Her pieces, showcased in last year's Atlantic Avenue ArtWalk in Brooklyn, are a bestiary of strange delights: animal heads atop female bodies with juxtapositions that are by turns beautiful, moving, and odd. If you've never seen a praying mantis pull on a platform shoe in a baby doll dress, I do recommend you check out her work at Amniesha. I have a pensive unicorn-lady on hold meself that I hope to be bringing home soon.
Oh my goodness! Her stuff is amazing! Thanks for sharing the link. **covets wildly**
aveerac - cautious and skittish, in the manner of one walking in an unfamiliar urban neighborhood
Is this the Niesha that I know? Pretty amazing stuff...
vodstnt- excessive pride related to the ability to consume multiple shots of vodka
Ray, you're welcome! It's even more amazing in person. There are cool variations in the materials since they're burned straight onto planks of wood and then painted. I'll let you know the next time there's an exhibition so you can see for yourself.
Jackie, you guessed it. Better the Niesha that you know than the Niesha you don't.
It's good to share the love . . .
uprooder - one who digs up land in measures equal to 1/4 of an acre or 0.10 hectare; alternately, a rabble-rouser or otherwise troublesome gardener
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