Wednesday, August 12, 2009


#224, Brooklyn Heights

The only thing more beautiful than snow falling in Brooklyn is snow falling on a red fire engine in Brooklyn. This one's for Engine Co. 224. Their firehouse at 274 Hicks Street is one of New York City's best old firehouses, a red brick and limestone beauty built in 1903, nestled in between a row of brownstones and carriage houses. Stop by and visit if you're ever around. I'm thankful to have them protecting my 'hood.


Pierre said...

Nice photo, but my Monkish mind wants both turn signal lights on simultaneously for symmetry.
I'd also like to have some hug time with that truck. It's supposed get to 107 today.

Ray Gunn said...

I'm sentimental for fire engines too, and I'm not even related to any firefighters.

This one sure does make me miss winter something fierce!

barcor: the heavily reinforced psychic padding one puts on before going to meet up with people at a bar

Therese Cox said...

Pierre - It took me about 2 days to realize you meant Monk of TV fame, not "one of the monastic persuasion".

Ray - I hear ya on both counts...

Julie said...

I noticed the light but don't know the Monk reference.